We are a digital studio

And we help our clients with their business, either in the form of websites, digital marketing or the development of other web or mobile applications. We were established in 2012 as an internal team within the company Počítačová služba s.r.o., which dealt with the internal information system, websites and digital marketing. In 2017, the visionslabs brand was established as a part of the company Počítačová služba s.r.o ..

visionslabs - digitalní studio

visionslabs in numbers

Completed website
Created mobile applications
Years of experience in IT
Satisfied clients

What our clients tell us

Our clients include

visionslabs - ilustration - faq


  1. ANALYSIS (Get to know) – Understand your business model, because you are experts in your field, map the competition and define the requirements that are important to you.
  2. WEB DESIGN – We will create a “clickable” wireframe (mockup) website for the best possible interpretation of the previous analysis, which is approved by you.

    Example of such a design – Web design for JH9 company.

  3. GRAPHIC WEB DESIGN – We will create a graphic design of the main screens of the website or we will only agree on basic things such as: font, colors and style.

  4. WEB CREATION – In this phase, we create the website itself, of course with a responsive design, connection to all basic services such as Google Analytics or Search Console so that search engines know about your website. We will also set up SEO, or connect to Facebook using the FIA or set up the AMP extension.

  5. TRAINING and promotion – Because it is not just a matter of creating a website, but to teach you how to use your website, we will train you so that you can perform the usual administration of the website yourself. Of course, we want the website to serve you as best as possible, and therefore we also offer help with its promotion.

According to our experience, a standard website (ie not an e-shop or an extensive and complicated website) lasts 2-3 months. It’s not that we’re slow, but it’s just that, historically, it’s that every phase of website creation has its time, and most of the time it’s not in a hurry. And also often waiting for documents from clients, such as new photos or other things.

There is a very difficult answer to this question and we must say that “it depends“. It depends on the complexity of the website, ie. what the “web” should be able to do, what the scope will be, whether it will have language mutations or some special features. All this affects the laboriousness and thus the cost of creating a website.

Počítačová služba s.r.o.

In 2012, an IT division was established, which had the task of creating in-house applications. The company Počítačová služba s.r.o.was established in 1990 and from the beginning was engaged in the sale and service of computers. In 1995, the company started with adult education on computers and since 1997 it has been fully dedicated to education. If you are interested in educational services, you can go to the website www.centrum-vzdelavani.cz.

We are a digital studiovisionslabs, which is formally the IT division of Počítačová služba s.r.o., which was established in 1990. The company Počítačová služba s.r.o. has been used in recent years as a trademark of CENTRUM-VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ.CZ, which more reflects work in the field of education.


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